What Makes a Brand Look Expensive?

Sep - Dec 2015  |  

Course instructor: Ranjitha Kumar

Team: Neel Kothari and Asad Butt

Fixed Dimensions

Images with fixed dimensions
  1. Perceived price rating and actual price rating for watch brands

  2. Screenshots of watch brands from different predicted price rating

  3. Screenshots of car brands from different predicted price rating

  4. Interfaces for Feature Visualization

  5. Interfaces for Hue & Saturation Histogram

  6. PriceWars Interface (for Perceived Label Collection)

Web design not only presents the customer with product information but also communicates the brand values and philosophy to the customer. The design features of the web page make the most impact when it comes to forming the first impression of the brand. In this project, we investigates what web design features are indicative to how expensive a brand looks.

We extracted features such as whitespace, #colors, #products, and mean H/S/V from web design and got perceived price rating of brand websites from a crowdsourcing platform. A model then was proposed to analyze what web design features are discriminant to the perceived price of a brand. We implemented random forest with backward elimination (4-fold cross validation) and ran the model on watch and car brands. Features like #colors, #products, whitespace, and SDev of saturation are discriminant to perceived price rating.

Late-Breaking Work in CHI 2016 pdf